I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart

I had put I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart in my Book Bucket List in July. Now I’m just finished reading the book. I highly recommend reading this book.

Some phrases and quotes from the book that resonated with me:

  • One of the key factors for success – beyond work, talent, timing, relationships is the glue that holds all of these together is commitment.
  • I wanted to build on these opportunities to do more and leave my mark on the world through my accomplishments, not my personal life.
  • What’s harder than achieving success is achieving consistent success.
  • Life is like a pack of cards. There are fifty-two cards in a deck, but only four of them are aces. The goal of life is to make your way through a crowded deck where the odds are stacked against you and draw an ace.
  • Looking back over the decades covered in this book, I’ve picked out eight qualities that put me in a position to draw aces: persistence, patience, class, commitment, learning, passion-centered competitiveness, positivity and discomfort.

Book Bucket List – I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons

Book Bucket List – I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons

I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart is on my Book Bucket List.

Upon hearing about the book on a radio interview with Kevin Hart, I quickly searched online to find out more about the memoir. I found an exclusive excerpt from the book on Variety and got more interested in it.

Here’s a few sentences from the excerpt:

The goal was to break the tension and get them laughing, but without trying too hard. I’d still work to embody the part. Even if the role wasn’t for me, I wanted them to see how prepared I was and what I was capable of. I’d mix it up and play the character in ways that weren’t right for the film, just to show them that I had different levels.

I’m keenly interested in reading about Kevin’s journey to Hollywood and standup success, his come up struggles and his positive outlook on life etc.

Looking forward to reading this book soon.