The lucky ones among us have the opportunity to achieve our goals and live our dreams. The same opportunity, environment, situation might not be same for everyone. I believe it’s very important that as we work towards achieving our personal and professional goals, we should also contribute to something bigger than ourselves.
The choice is in our hands. To make a little difference. To make the world a little better than how we found it to be. As a huge basketball fan, I had been watching Dwayne Wade play in the NBA for many years. Besides all his basketball fans, he also touched many peoples’ lives far away from the basketball courts. Budweiser made a video for Dwayne Wade. The video description was as follows “to celebrate his final season, Dwyane Wade has been swapping jerseys with NBA legends. Before he said goodbye, we surprised him with five more.” A heartfelt video of someone whose touched many lives in his journey.