Venture Talk with Rajeev Amatya

Rajeev Amatya, Managing Director at will discuss the “Future of E-Commerce in Nepal” on Monday, October 8th, 2018 at Nepal Tourism Board Hall (Bhrikutimandap) from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

I wrote a blog E-commerce in Nepal heats up, where I shared my assumptions on what would happen in the next 3-5 years in Nepal’s ecommerce scene. The Venture Talk with Rajeev Amatya will provide a great opportunity to understand the current and future of online shopping in Nepal. With Rajeev’s experience in the ecommerce industry for a few years, it would be good to hear his industry insights, market challenges and the next frontier for ecommerce in Nepal.

Daraz also recently launched its new website and mobile app.

Register for the Venture Talk with Rajeev Amatya here