Speak like you mean it

If you tell a friend that you will meet him or her at a cafe at a certain time, be there.
If you tell a client that you will meet them at a place at a certain time, be there.
If you tell an acquaintance that you will meet him or her at a location at a certain time, be there.

Your words have weight. Speak so people can believe in your words. Speak so people can trust you. We should not make promises that we can’t keep neither make promises that we cannot deliver.
Maybe we should watch this video to remind us the power of words in our daily lives.

Right thing to do

They might have not asked but you felt right to share your wisdom and experience with them. They might have not heeded your advice but you felt right to say it anyway. They might not have cared but you cared enough for them to share what you know.

Sometimes you care too much for someone and give them advice/suggestions/tips. You have to. It’s your responsibility as a leader, communicator and a human being. The journey is long and it’s important to learn from experiences and knowledge of others. We can’t afford to make the same mistakes again and again. It’s our duty to guide the next generation and give them the tools to fish.

Your job is to care enough to make a difference in someone’s life. Your job is to have empathy in others. Your job is to tell the truth and do the right thing.